
Im Folgenden finden Sie einige einschlägige Bücher der Positiven Psychologie und wissenschaftliche Zeitschriften aufgelistet, in denen regelmässig Arbeiten aus der Positiven Psychologie publiziert werden.


Seligman, M. (2007). The optimistic child: A proven program to safeguard children against depression and build lifelong resilience. New York: First Houghton Mifflin.
Seligman, M. (2012). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. New York: Free Press.
Auf Deutsch: Seligman, M. (2015). Flourish - Wie Menschen aufblühen: Die Positive Psychologie des gelingenden Lebens. München: Kösel-Verlag.
Seligman, M. (2004). Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment. New York: Atria Paperback.
Auf Deutsch: Seligman (2005): Der Glücks-Faktor: Warum Optimisten länger leben. Bergisch Gladbach: Bastei Lübbe.
Seligman, M. (2006). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and your life. New York: Vintage Books.
Seligman, M. (2007). What you can change and what you can‘t: The complete guide to successful self-improvement. New York: Vintage Books.
Seligman, M. (1992). Helplessness: On depression, development, and death. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.
Peterson, Chr., Maier, S., & Seligman, M. (1995). Learned helplessness: A theory for the age of personal control. New York: First Houghton Mifflin.
Peterson, Chr., & Seligman, M. (2004). Character strengths and virtues: A handbook and classification. New York: Oxford University Press.
Peterson, Chr. (2006). A primer in positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Peterson, Chr. (2013). Pursuing the good life: 100 reflections on positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Peterson, Chr., & Bossio, L. (1991). Health and optimism. New York: Free Press.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (1997). Living well: The psychology of everyday life. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
Csíkszentmihályi, M., & Csíkszentmihályi, I. S. (2006). A life worth living: Contributions to positive psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (2003). Good business: Leadership, flow, and the making of meaning. New York: Viking.
Gardner, H., Csíkszentmihályi, M., & Damon, W. (2001). Good work: When excellence and ethics meet. New York: Basic Books.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (1997). Finding flow: The psychology of engagement with everyday life. New York: Basic Books.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (1996). Creativity: The psychology of discovery and invention. New York: Harper Collins.
Csíkszentmihályi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York: Harper & Row.
Diener, E., & Biswas-Diener, R. (2008). Happiness: Unlocking
the mysteries of psychological wealth. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.
Kahneman, D., Diener, E., & Schwarz, N. (2003). Well-being: Foundations of hedonic psychology. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Diener, E., & Suh, E. M. (2003). Culture and subjective well-being. Cambridge: A Bradford Book.
Diener, E., & Rahtz, D. (2000). Advances in quality of life theory and research. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Diener, E., Lucas, R., Schimmack, U., & Helliwell, J. (2009). Well- being for public policy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). The myths of happiness: What should make you happy, but doesn’t, what shouldn’t make you happy, but does. New York: Penguin Press.
Lyubomirsky, S. (2008). The how of happiness: A new approach to getting the life you want. New York: Penguin Press.
Auf Deutsch: Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). Glücklich sein: Warum Sie es in der Hand haben, zufrieden zu leben. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
Fredrickson, B. L. (2009). Positivity. New York: Crown.
auf Deutsch: Fredrickson, B. L. (2011). Die Macht der guten Gefühle: Wie eine positive Haltung Ihr Leben dauerhaft verändert. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag.
Fredrickson, B. L. (2013). Love 2.0. New York: Hudson Street Press.
auf Deutsch: Fredrickson, B. L. (2014). Die Macht der Liebe: Ein neuer Blick auf das größte Gefühl. Frankfurt: Campus Verlag
• Carr, A. (2011). Positive Psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths (Second Edition). London, UK: Psychology Press.

Linley, P. A., & Joseph, S. (2004). Positive Psychology in Practice (1st ed.). Hoboken, N.J: Wiley & Sons.
Eid, M., & Larsen, R. J. (2008). The science of subjective well-being. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
Parks, A. & Schueller, S. (2014). The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of Positive Psychological Interventions. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Magyar-Moe, J. L. (2009). Therapist’s guide to positive psychological interventions. Burlington, MA: Academic Press.
Froh, J. J., & Parks, A. C. (2013). Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Frank, R. (2011). Therapieziel Wohlbefinden: Ressourcen aktivieren in der Psychotherapie. Berlin: Springer.


Applied psychology. Health and well-being

Cognition & Emotion


International Journal of Well-Being
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Positive Psychology
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology
Psychology of Well-Being
The European Journal of Humour Research
International Journal of Humor Research

Motivation and Emotion
Human Performance
Aging and Mental Health
Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing
Journal of Well-Being Assessment